
Variable Original Text
Can edit all comments?
Can post comments?
Can delete all comments?
Approve comments before they are displayed publicly?
Can edit their own comments?
Define how many minutes this user group should wait before they can post a new comment. Note: Set to 0 if there should be no limit.
Can delete their own comments?
Specify how many points the user will receive when adding a new comment.
Can delete any comments posted on their own item?
Can moderate comments?
Can create a new photo album?
Can add mature images with warnings?
After the user has purchased a sponsored space, should the music album be published right away? If set to <b>No</b>, the admin will have to approve each new purchased sponsored album space before it is shown in the site.
Can upload photos?
Define the total number of photo albums a user within this user group can create. <b>Notice:</b> If you set this value to <b>null</b> it will allow them to create an unlimited amount of photo albums. Setting this value to <b>0</b> will not allow them the ability to create photo albums.
Can members of this user group purchase a sponsored ad space for their items?
After the user has purchased a sponsored space, should the item be published right away? If set to <b>No</b>, the admin will have to approve each new purchased sponsored item space before it is shown in the site.
Points received when uploading a new image.
Define the maximum number of images a user can upload each time they use the upload form. <b>Notice:</b> This setting does not control how many images a user can upload in total, just how many they can upload each time they use the upload form to upload new images.