
Variable Original Text
Approve blogs before they are publicly displayed?
Can delete all blogs?
Can view what users have voted on their own poll?
Do you want to enable members of this user group to vote on their own polls? This is different than changing their votes.
Can delete all events?
Can members of this user group send a poke only to people in their friends list? (If you disable it, members of this user group will be able to poke people also not in their friends list)
Can edit own event?
Can delete own event?
How many answers can members of this user group add to their polls? By default, minimum value of this setting is 2 even if when you set it smaller than 2.
Do members of this user group need to complete a captcha challenge to submit a poll?
Can approve blogs?
Can post comments on blogs?
Can members of this user group approve polls?
Can members of this user group delete polls posted by other members?
Can members of this user group edit their own polls after submitted?
Can delete their own blog?
Tells if a user group member can change its vote on a poll. If set to <b>No</b> the first vote will be the definitive vote for that user and that poll. If set to <b>Yes</b> users will be able to change their vote in the future.
This setting defines if members of this usergroup can add images along with their polls.
How many minutes should a user wait before they can submit another blog? Note: Setting it to "0" (without quotes) is default and users will not have to wait.
If set to yes the answer chosen by the viewer will be highlighted with a background color. This is useful if you have it set so the members of this usegroup cant view the results after taking the poll as they still will be able to view their own answer.