
Variable Language Original Text
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Can members of this user group purchase a sponsored ad space for their items?
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> After the user has purchased a sponsored space, should the item be published right away? If set to <b>No</b>, the admin will have to approve each new purchased sponsored item space before it is shown in the site.
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> After the user has purchased a sponsored space, should the music album be published right away? If set to <b>No</b>, the admin will have to approve each new purchased sponsored album space before it is shown in the site.
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Photos
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Can create a new photo album?
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Define the total number of photo albums a user within this user group can create. <b>Notice:</b> If you set this value to <b>null</b> it will allow them to create an unlimited amount of photo albums. Setting this value to <b>0</b> will not allow them the ability to create photo albums.
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Points received when uploading a new image.
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Can upload photos?
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Can use privacy settings when creating an album?
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Define the maximum number of images a user can upload each time they use the upload form. <b>Notice:</b> This setting does not control how many images a user can upload in total, just how many they can upload each time they use the upload form to upload new images.
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Can add mature images with warnings?
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Can search for photos?
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Define how many images a user can view at once when browsing the public photo section?
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Define how many minutes or seconds the script should wait until it refreshes the feature photo. <b>Notice:</b> To add X minutes here are some examples: 1 min 2 min 30 min If you would like to define it in seconds here are some examples: 20 sec 30 sec 90 sec
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Can download a users photo?
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Can edit own photo album?
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Can edit all photo albums?
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Can delete own photo?
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Can delete all photos?
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Can edit own photo?