
Manage Settings

Each module has items that are displayed and use our timestamp settings to display the date the way we would like.

If a module does not specify a timestamp setting it will use the default timestamp layout which is controlled with this setting.

For a better understanding on how to modify this setting and what the string values stand for you can follow up on the PHP date() function here.

This value will be used as the delimiter to separate titles being added for each page on the site.

Name of your site.

Select the subnet mask which reflects the level of checking you wish to run against IP addresses when a session is being fetched.

This is useful if you have a large number of users who are behind transparent proxies and have an IP address that can change randomly between request such as AOL.

The more this is decreased the greater the security risk from session hijacking.

Warning This is an important setting. Select a wrong option here can break the site or affect some features. If you are at all unsure about which option to configure, use the default value or contact us for support.

Prefix for cookies and PHP sessions being set by the script.

Warning: This value can only contain alphanumeric characters (eg. a-zA-Z0-9)

Note that everyone will be forced to log in again for security reasons.

Enter the meta keywords for all pages. These are used by search engines to index your pages with more relevance.

Note that certain modules or pages have their own meta keyword settings and if those are set they will override this setting.

Enter the meta description for all pages. This is used by search engines to index your pages more relevantly.

Note that certain modules or pages have their own meta keyword settings and if those are set they will override this setting.

Full path to where the binary for unzip is located.

If you are unsure you can try to add the following:

If the above does not work you will need to ask your host or run the following command via command line:
whereis unzip

Full path to where the binary for tar is located.

If you are unsure you can try to add the following:

If the above does not work you will need to ask your host or run the following command via command line:
whereis tar

Full path to where the binary for zip is located.

If you are unsure you can try to add the following:

If the above does not work you will need to ask your host or run the following command via command line:
whereis zip

Select the default time zone for guests and new users.

Select the method you would like your emails to be sent it, which is either using the default PHP mail() function or SMTP.

If SMTP is enabled, set the SMTP server host here.

SMTP Authentication

SMTP Username

SMTP Password

Select cryptographic protocol that enabled on your SMTP mail server.

This is the name displayed when users receive emails from this site.

This is the default email used when sending out emails and it will be the email users will see in their email.

This is the signature added to the bottom of each email that is sent from this site.

Warning This is an important setting. Select a wrong option here can break the site or affect some features. If you are at all unsure about which option to configure, use the default value or contact us for support.

Check ssl certificate of your SMTP host name. If it does not use valid certificate, email can't be sent

Enable this to use Queue for sending email. It will help you prevent the overloading on the mail server. Please make sure that Cronjob has been set up to use this feature.

Enable this setting if all plug-ins should be cached. It is advised to enable this on live sites.

Select Yes to turn your site offline.

Message that will be displayed to guests when the site is offline.

Set to Yes if site stats should be cached.

Notice: It is highly advised to cache site stats as it requires a large set of queries to the database across numerous tables.

Enable this so users can register their date of birth when signing up for the site.

Enable this so users can register their gender when signing up for the site.

Enable this so users can register their location when signing up for the site.

Enable this so users can register their timezone when signing up for the site.

Enable Spam Check

Define how many items a user can attempt to SPAM before anything they add will not be checked as we will consider that it is SPAM.

Define how many times a user can SPAM before they are automatically banned.

Notice: Set this to "0" (without quotes) to disable this setting.

Enable this feature to remove all external links from the site.

Notice: Sites added to the "URL White List" will be allowed.

Add sites that you want to allow in external links.

Enable this feature to remove all external emails from the site.

Notice: Sites added to the "Email White List" will be allowed.

Add sites that you want to allow in external emails.

Enable this option to redirect guests to the same page they were visiting after they have logged into or registered.

Extended Global Timestamp

What port to use for sending mail with SMTP? Default is 25

Time to String

This will displayed on each page as the title of your site.

In order to get the latest exchange rates for the currencies being used we need to connect to a 3rd party website. To sign up for a free API key go here.

Warning This is an important setting. Select a wrong option here can break the site or affect some features. If you are at all unsure about which option to configure, use the default value or contact us for support.

If your server has support for HTTPS you can enable this feature to secure certain pages like the login, registration and account setting pages.

IP InfoDB is a free IP address geolocation tools we use to find useful information about users based on their IP. Enter your free API key, which you can get here.

By enabling this option certain sections (eg. Blogs, Photos etc...), will by default only show items from the member and his or her friends list.

The format for parsed and displayed dates.
MDY = Month/Day/Year
DMY = Day/Month/Year
YMD = Year/Month/Day

Set this to Yes to use a Datepicker on all areas that require users to select a date.

This is the day your site was launched. It is used to create statistics for the site to build daily averages. The format is Month/Day/Year.

Enter your Rackspace Container URL.

Set this to Yes to keep original files on the server.

Google offers many services that require an API key (like the Places service), enter your Google API key here.

More information on how to get an API key can be found here.

Load profile images after the site has loaded.

By default we create 2 thumbnails for each image. One keeps the original aspect ratio and the other is a fixed square image. With our current themes we only use the fixed square images. The original aspect ratio images are not really needed and disabling this feature is advised.

Warning This is an important setting. Select a wrong option here can break the site or affect some features. If you are at all unsure about which option to configure, use the default value or contact us for support.

Allow access to the AdminCP if an IP is added to this list. Comma separated.

Enable to include a users IP substring in the ID hash. This makes it much harder for users to hijack another users session.

Create your own unique hash for the authenticating ID hash.

Enable this setting to allow visitors to enter their city when they are creating their account.

Enable Registration using SMS Service

SMS Service


Nexmo API Secret

Nexmo Phone Number

Twilio Account ID

Twilio Auth Token

Twilio Phone Number

Clickatell API Key

Set this to Yes if you would like to allow HTML on your site. Note that even with this setting enabled by default we only allow certain HTML tags we feel that will not harm your site.

Crop URL for SEO

This is the meta description provided on a users profile that is included with their personal information. It is advised for this to not be too long in order to leave room for the user's personal information.

Define words here that should not show up within meta keywords. Each word should be comma separated.

Notice: The search is case insensitive.

Removes site title on all pages other then the index page and if a page has no title. This is to assist with duplicate content.

Turn off full ajax mode

The URL of your Google+ Business page

You should turn this setting on if SSL has been set up for your site. By this way, instead of loading all external images directly, your own server will get them then return to the browser to by pass the SSL issues.

Please select paging mode for all items on your site.

Turn on this setting if you want to search user groups settings in AdminCP.

Warning! You have to enable cron job first.
Define how many hours the system cache will be removed. 0 for disable auto clear cache.

Define the number of pages for scrolling down (default is 2). Apply for all items on your site.

Enable this setting will allow users to Register/Login with a Phone number. Users must verify their phone after register, so make sure you set up an SMS Service for your site.

Select a page will be displayed to guests when the site is offline. Offline Message will be hidden if a page is selected.
You can manage pages at: AdminCP > Appearance > Pages

Login/Signup form will show on popup when user clicking on those buttons, if this setting is disabled it will redirect to new page.

Enable this setting will allow users to Sign Up/Login with Google. It only work if setting "Google OAuth ID" is set.

This setting is required for login with Google feature. More information on how to get an OAuth ID can be found here.

Warning This is an important setting. Select a wrong option here can break the site or affect some features. If you are at all unsure about which option to configure, use the default value or contact us for support.

This is the regular expressions configuration which validate for username. "min" and "max" are 2 variables define the length of username which directly relate to 2 settings "Minimum Length for Username" and "Maximum Length for Username" respectively. For more information, see here.
Click here to edit default error message which related to this setting when user input an invalid data.

Warning This is an important setting. Select a wrong option here can break the site or affect some features. If you are at all unsure about which option to configure, use the default value or contact us for support.

This is the regular expressions configuration which validate for full name. "max" is the variable define the maximum length of full name which directly relate to setting "Maximum Length for Full Name". For more information, see here.
Click here to edit default error message which related to this setting when user input an invalid data.

Warning This is an important setting. Select a wrong option here can break the site or affect some features. If you are at all unsure about which option to configure, use the default value or contact us for support.

This is the regular expressions configuration which validate for special characters. For more information, see here.

Warning This is an important setting. Select a wrong option here can break the site or affect some features. If you are at all unsure about which option to configure, use the default value or contact us for support.

This is the regular expressions configuration which validate for HTML. For more information, see here.

Warning This is an important setting. Select a wrong option here can break the site or affect some features. If you are at all unsure about which option to configure, use the default value or contact us for support.

This is the regular expressions configuration which validate for URL. For more information, see here.

Warning This is an important setting. Select a wrong option here can break the site or affect some features. If you are at all unsure about which option to configure, use the default value or contact us for support.

This is the regular expressions configuration which validate for currency id. For more information, see here.

Value is 0 if you do not want to limit text.

Value is 0 if you do not want to limit text.