
Variable Original Text
Can create new pages?
Enable Captcha when composing messages.
Enable CAPTCHA challenge when adding a new blog.
This setting defines if members of this usergroup can add images along with their polls.
Approve a new page before it is displayed publicly?
Can create a poll?
Tells if a user group member can change its vote on a poll. If set to <b>No</b> the first vote will be the definitive vote for that user and that poll. If set to <b>Yes</b> users will be able to change their vote in the future.
Can add a cover photo on pages?
Can members of this user group contact the site to claim a page?
How often can members of this user group post new polls (in minutes). 0 => no restriction 1 => 1 minute 10 => 10 minutes
Can add attachments?
This setting tells if the user can only send messages to people in his/her friends list.
Enable CAPTCHA challenge when a user adds a comment?
Can members of this user group read private messages in your site?
This setting tells if polls posted by members of this group will need to be moderated (approved) before being shown on the site.
Can browse and view pages?
Max file size for photos upload in kilobytes (kb). (1024 kb = 1 mb) For unlimited add "0" without quotes.
Can members of this user group delete other people's messages?
Can compose messages to another users?