
Variable Original Text
Can create a listing?
How much is the sponsor space worth for marketplace listings? This works in a CPM basis.
Can post a comment on marketplace listing?
Can approve marketplace listings?
Can sponsor a marketplace listing?
Specify how many points the user will receive when adding a new comment.
Can moderate comments?
How many activity points should the user get when adding a new listing?
Enable CAPTCHA challenge when adding a new blog.
Define how many minutes this user group should wait before they can post a new comment. Note: Set to 0 if there should be no limit.
Enable if listings should be approved first before they are displayed publicly.
Can feature listings?
Can view blogs.
Can add a new blog?
Can edit all blogs?
Can approve blogs?
Can delete all blogs?
Can post comments on blogs?
Can edit their own blogs?
Specify how many points the user will receive when adding a new blog.