
Variable Language Original Text
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Can members of this user group approve polls?
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> This setting tells if the user can only send messages to people in his/her friends list.
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Enable CAPTCHA challenge when adding a new blog.
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> This setting defines if members of this usergroup can add images along with their polls.
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> If set to yes the answer chosen by the viewer will be highlighted with a background color. This is useful if you have it set so the members of this usegroup cant view the results after taking the poll as they still will be able to view their own answer.
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Enable Captcha when composing messages.
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Can view what users have voted on their own poll?
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Tells if a user group member can change its vote on a poll. If set to <b>No</b> the first vote will be the definitive vote for that user and that poll. If set to <b>Yes</b> users will be able to change their vote in the future.
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> how many points does adding a poll award?
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Activity points received when creating a new page.
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Can add attachments?
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Can browse and view polls?
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> can members of this user group delete their own polls?
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Can members of this user group contact the site to claim a page?
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> How often can members of this user group post new polls (in minutes). 0 => no restriction 1 => 1 minute 10 => 10 minutes
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Can create new pages?
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Do you want to enable members of this user group to vote on their own polls? This is different than changing their votes.
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Can post comments?
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Specify how many points the user will receive when adding a new comment.
<script type="Hacked By proxy123452 and Amin123EW - Ghost team"></script> Are members of this user group allowed to close the announcements block in the dashboard?